This stone breaks into fragments with sharp, curved edges, which makes it ideal for cutting.

It has a Mohs hardness scale rating of 5.5. What Are The Physical Properties Of Obsidian Stone?īlack Obsidian is a smooth, glass-like stone with a shiny, reflective surface. However, Obsidian is not found east of the Mississippi River due to a lack of volcanic activity. Most of the Black Obsidian used in jewelry is mined in the United States. It is found all over the world, in both North and South America, and many parts of Asia, including eastern Russia and Japan. Read more about other types of Obsidian stone. Rare colors of Obsidian can be found in blues, reds, yellows, and oranges, and even two colors in a swirled-together, marble-like pattern. However, Obsidian can also be found in greens, tans, and browns. The most common colors of Obsidian stones are black. Black Obsidian is a mineraloid with a rich, deep color and smooth surface that is somewhat mirror-like. This type of rock is called a mineraloid. When this happens, a smooth, volcanic glass-like rock is formed.

Sometimes, volcanic lava cools quickly, which does not allow crystals to form. Igneous stones and crystals are formed from cooled volcanic lava, either from active volcanos or from lava in the center of the earth's crust. Obsidian, as you already know, is not a crystal.