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Simple comic book background

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There are few scientists who haven’t heard of Randall Munroe, the artist behind the web comic “xkcd”, which features amazing graphic explanations on everything from climate change to data storage. Yet they are also providing a platform for a renaissance of one of the simplest and most effective methods for communicating ideas-comics. These new communication channels seem to support endless innovations in the development of videos, interactive quizzes, and instant feedback.

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Social media outlets like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Tumblr have expanded the reach of science communication within and across scientific disciplines and to the lay public. Technology has greatly helped expand the range of teaching styles that a lecturer can call on to reach more people in new ways. It also has a role in peer-to-peer communication and wider dissemination of ideas throughout the community. This drive for engagement is crucial to both helping recruit the next generation of scientist and highlighting the impact and role science has in public life. From calls for journal papers to be simpler and more accessible to encouraging scientists to take a more active role through community engagement, there is a drive to demystify and improve public understanding of and engagement with science.

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Institutions around the world are in a constant struggle to improve science communication.

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